11 Monorepo Build Tools You Should Know

Jonathan Saring
Published in
20 min readMar 19, 2024


In the evolving landscape of software development, monorepos have become increasingly popular for managing multiple packages or projects within a single repository. Personally, I don’t encourage this approach, which leads to more pain than gain in the long term, yet for some people, this approach simplifies dependency management, change control across apps, and code sharing. But, it also turns builds into a long and slow nightmare. So, here are useful monorepo build tools for 2024. I hope it helps.

1. Bit

Bit is a unique tool in the software development landscape, celebrated not only for its composable architecture but also for its flexibility across different repository architectures. This versatility enables Bit to function flawlessly in both monorepo and polyrepo setups, making it a powerful asset for developers seeking efficiency and modularity in their workflows.

In monorepo environments, Bit shines by allowing the independent development, versioning, management, building, testing, and publishing of numerous packages. It ensures that each component within the monorepo is decoupled, facilitating isolated development processes that streamline the entire development lifecycle.

Bit serves as an incredibly powerful build tool for monorepos as well, as it defines and manages the dependency graph of software components in your project, and only builds impacted components. It also has a few additional benefits that are not currently available in any other tool:

Key Features of Bit as a build tool:

  • Decoupled Development: Bit allows developers to focus on individual components, reducing the complexity often associated with managing large codebases in a monorepo. This approach accelerates development cycles by enabling parallel development without cross-dependency issues.
  • Enhanced CI/CD with Ripple CI/CD: Utilizing Bit’s Ripple CI/CD, teams can efficiently handle monorepo builds by intelligently targeting only the components that have changed. This optimization drastically cuts down on build times and resource consumption, offering a more efficient alternative to traditional CI/CD processes that might unnecessarily rebuild unchanged parts of the project.

Ripple CI/CD offers some unique killer benefits:

Composable CI/CD: Builds components, not projects, speeding up the integration and deployment processes by up to 80–90% by default.

Cross-Application Updates: Updates components across numerous applications in a single process, ignoring repository boundaries.

Resumable and partial: If some components pass the build and some fail, you can fix the ones that failed and resume where you left-off while only rebuilding the failed components. That ones that passed can update in production! No more “all or nothing” build process.

Shorter Feedback Loops: Only modifies and affected components are built, significantly reducing wait times for build results.

Simplified Configuration: Operates with predefined build pipelines, requiring no additional setup. Basically, configs are automated.

Parallel Processing: Automatically manages CI runners based on the component dependency graph for faster builds.

Change Simulations: Visualizes the impact of component changes, allowing developers to preview and address potential issues before deployment in the visual context of every page and application impacted by the change. Literally see the future.

  • Composable Architecture: At its core, Bit promotes a composable architecture, encouraging the reuse and sharing of components across projects. This capability significantly enhances consistency and efficiency in development practices, leveraging the structural advantages of monorepos.

Why and When to Choose Bit:

Bit is an ideal choice for teams and projects aiming to maximize their productivity and foster a modular development environment. It’s particularly effective when:

  • Managing complex projects within a monorepo, where the ability to independently develop and maintain components can drastically reduce bottlenecks.
  • Seeking to enhance CI/CD efficiency by adopting a tool specifically designed to address the unique challenges of building and testing in monorepo setups.
  • Emphasizing the reuse of components across multiple projects or services, thereby ensuring consistency and reducing duplicate effort.

Usage Example of Bit:

To start using Bit for component management, you might initialize Bit in your project, then create and export a component:

// init Bit
$ bit init

// create a new workspace for react
$ bit new react my-workspace --env teambit.react/react-env

// create a component
$ bit create react pages/welcome

// check all components in your workspace
$ bit status

// tag a version for all new or modified components...
// bit will pompt you to bump their dependants as well!
$ bit tag --message "my release message"

// Login to your bit account (optional, free and reccomended)
$ bit login

// upload components to your account + publish them as packages
// you don't need to config packages or define dependencies - it's automated
$ bit export

Your export will Run Ripple CI/CD to build changes only to impacted components up the dependency graph in your codebase.

The components will also become available to install as packages.

And to build and test locally only affected components in a monorepo after changes:

bit build --changed
bit test --changed

These commands showcase how Bit streamlines the development process by focusing on changes, ensuring that your workflow is as efficient as possible.

Learn More:

For developers looking to integrate Bit into their development workflow or seeking to optimize their monorepo setup, comprehensive resources are available at:

  • Bit Official Website: https://bit.dev/
  • Bit Cloud (and Ripple CI/CD): https://bit.cloud/ (free for personal use)
  • Pnpm author on dependency management in a monorepo with Bit:


2. pnpm workspaces

Note: The official pnpm monorepo documentation reccommends combining pnpm workspaces with Bit for the best end-to-end ultimate experience.

pnpm Workspaces is a feature of the pnpm package manager designed to optimize the management of monorepositories, also known as multi-package repositories, multi-project repositories, or monolithic repositories. By allowing the creation of a workspace that unites multiple projects within a single repository, pnpm Workspaces facilitate efficient dependency management, streamlined package linking, and unified versioning, making it an essential tool for developers working in complex project environments.

Key Features of pnpm Workspaces:

  • Unified Dependency Management: pnpm Workspaces enables shared dependencies across all projects within the workspace to be installed once at the root level, reducing duplication and saving disk space.
  • Symlinked Local Packages: Projects within the workspace can easily reference each other via local paths, with pnpm handling the symlinking, ensuring that local changes are immediately available across the workspace without the need for republishing.
  • Efficient and Fast: Leveraging pnpm’s unique approach to node_modules, Workspaces ensure that installations are fast and that disk space usage is minimized, even in large monorepos.
  • Consistent Tooling: Provides a consistent set of tools and commands to manage builds, tests, and more across all projects within the workspace, simplifying the development workflow.
  • Selective Commands Execution: Allows for executing commands selectively across workspace packages, enabling targeted builds, tests, or custom scripts execution based on the project’s needs.

Why and When to Choose pnpm Workspaces:

pnpm Workspaces is the perfect choice for development teams that require a scalable and efficient solution for managing monorepos. It’s particularly beneficial when:

  • Working with large codebases that include multiple interdependent projects, and there’s a need to streamline dependency management.
  • Seeking to improve build and deployment efficiency by minimizing disk usage and ensuring that local package changes are reflected instantly across projects.
  • Needing a unified approach to versioning and publishing packages within a monorepo, ensuring consistency across all projects.

Usage Example of pnpm Workspaces:

To get started with pnpm Workspaces, you would first create a pnpm-workspace.yaml file at the root of your repository:

- 'packages/*'

This configuration specifies that each subdirectory within the packages directory is a separate workspace package. To install dependencies for all workspace packages, simply run:

pnpm install

And to run a script across all packages that contain it, use:

pnpm exec -- <command>

These examples demonstrate how pnpm Workspaces simplifies the process of managing multiple projects within a monorepo, from dependency installation to executing commands across packages.

Learn More:

For developers interested in exploring pnpm Workspaces further or integrating it into their monorepo projects, additional resources and detailed documentation are available at:

3. Nx

Nx is an extensible build framework designed to enhance the development experience for modern web applications, particularly those utilizing Angular, React, and other popular frameworks. Tailored for monorepo setups, Nx simplifies the process of managing multiple projects within a single repository, leveraging advanced tooling and automation to streamline builds, tests, and more. With its focus on optimizing developer workflows, Nx stands out as a comprehensive solution for teams seeking to boost productivity and maintain high-quality codebases.

Key Features of Nx:

  • Built-in Support for Modern Web Frameworks: Nx comes with out-of-the-box configurations for popular frameworks like Angular, React, and Node.js, reducing the setup time for new projects and ensuring best practices are followed.
  • Intelligent Dependency Graph Analysis: By analyzing the dependency graph of projects within the monorepo, Nx can precisely determine which projects are affected by changes. This allows for targeted builds and tests, significantly reducing CI/CD times.
  • Affected Commands: Nx’s “affected” commands intelligently identify and execute tasks only on changed projects and their dependencies. This selective approach to building and testing enhances CI/CD pipeline efficiency.
  • Comprehensive Tooling: Beyond building and testing, Nx provides a suite of tools and schematics for code generation, linting, formatting, and more, fostering consistency and quality across the codebase.
  • Plugin Ecosystem: Nx supports a wide range of plugins that extend its capabilities to additional languages and technologies, making it a versatile tool for diverse development environments.

Why and When to Choose Nx:

Nx is ideally suited for development teams working on large-scale web applications, especially those adopting a monorepo approach for their project structure. Its capabilities are particularly beneficial when:

  • Managing multiple web projects within a single repository, requiring efficient coordination and optimization of builds and tests.
  • Working with modern JavaScript frameworks and seeking to leverage best practices for project configuration and development workflows.
  • Aiming to improve CI/CD pipeline performance by minimizing build and test times through intelligent analysis of project dependencies.

Usage Example of Nx:

Creating a new workspace with an Angular application using Nx can be achieved with the following commands:

npx create-nx-workspace@latest myworkspace
cd myworkspace
nx generate @nrwl/angular:application myapp

To only build and test projects affected by a change, you might use:

nx affected:build
nx affected:test

These commands demonstrate Nx’s ability to manage project dependencies and execute tasks in a targeted manner, enhancing the development workflow within a monorepo.

Learn More:

For developers and teams interested in adopting Nx for their projects or looking to optimize their monorepo setups, the following resource offers extensive information:

4. Yarn Workspaces

Yarn Workspaces is a feature of the Yarn package manager that enables easier management of dependencies and linking of packages in a monorepo.

Benefits of Yarn Workspaces:

  • Streamlines the installation and linking of npm packages across multiple projects.
  • Reduces duplication of package installations, saving space and improving build performance.

5. Bazel

Bazel is an advanced build tool developed by Google, designed to support multi-language project environments, particularly within monorepos. It emphasizes speed, scalability, and reproducibility, making it ideal for both small projects and large enterprise-scale applications. Bazel optimizes the build process by employing advanced dependency tracking and caching mechanisms, ensuring that only necessary parts of the codebase are rebuilt and tested, thus significantly reducing build and test times.

Key Features of Bazel:

  • Multi-Language Support: Bazel is versatile, offering built-in support for various programming languages including Java, C++, Python, and more. This allows teams to use Bazel across different parts of their project without needing separate build tools.
  • Fine-Grained Dependency Tracking: Bazel’s dependency tracking is precise, which means it rebuilds only the parts of the project that have changed. This incremental build approach saves time and resources.
  • Scalability: Designed with scalability in mind, Bazel can handle large codebases and complex dependency graphs efficiently, making it suitable for enterprise-level projects.
  • Reproducible Builds: Bazel ensures that builds are reproducible and consistent across different environments, which is critical for debugging and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) processes.
  • Parallel Execution: It takes advantage of parallel execution to speed up the build and test processes, further optimizing development workflows.
  • Extensibility: Bazel can be extended with custom build rules, allowing teams to tailor the build process to their specific needs.

Why and When to Choose Bazel:

Bazel is a compelling choice for teams working on multi-language projects within monorepo structures, especially when project size and build speed are primary concerns. Its scalability and support for incremental builds make it particularly well-suited for:

  • Large, enterprise projects that require efficient management of complex dependencies and fast build times.
  • Organizations seeking consistency and reproducibility in their build processes across various development environments.
  • Projects that span multiple programming languages and platforms, requiring a unified build tool that can handle diverse build tasks.

Usage Example of Bazel:

Creating a simple Java library in Bazel involves defining a BUILD file in your project directory, like so:

name = "mylibrary",
srcs = glob(["src/main/java/**/*.java"]),
deps = [

This Bazel build rule specifies a Java library target named mylibrary, including its source files and dependencies. To build this library, you would run:

bazel build //path/to/mylibrary

Bazel calculates dependencies and rebuilds only what’s necessary, showcasing its efficiency in managing builds.

Learn More:

For those looking to integrate Bazel into their development workflow or aiming to improve their project’s build efficiency in a monorepo environment, further details are available at:

6. Turborepo

Now part of Vercel, turborepo is build system tailored for JavaScript and TypeScript NextJS projects organized in a monorepo format. It’s designed to optimize the development workflow by implementing intelligent caching and task parallelization techniques. This focus on performance makes Turborepo an excellent choice for teams seeking to minimize build times and enhance productivity across large codebases with multiple interdependent packages.

Key Features of Turborepo:

  • Advanced Caching Mechanisms: Turborepo utilizes a powerful caching strategy that stores the results of previous build tasks. By reusing these results instead of executing the same tasks again, Turborepo significantly reduces build times.
  • Incremental Builds: This feature ensures that only the tasks affected by code changes are executed during the build process. Incremental builds further speed up development by avoiding unnecessary work, focusing only on what needs to be updated.
  • Task Parallelization: Turborepo is designed to execute build tasks in parallel, leveraging available CPU resources more effectively. This approach maximizes efficiency, reducing the overall time required for builds and tests.
  • Monorepo-Friendly: Specifically engineered for monorepo environments, Turborepo streamlines the management of projects with multiple packages, simplifying workflows and enhancing coordination among them.
  • Flexible Configuration: Despite its focus on performance, Turborepo remains highly configurable, allowing developers to tailor the build process to their project’s specific needs.

Why and When to Choose Turborepo:

Turborepo is particularly suited for development teams that work on JavaScript or TypeScript projects within a monorepo structure and are looking to improve their build efficiency. Its powerful performance optimizations make it a compelling choice for:

  • Teams experiencing slow build and test times due to the complexity and size of their monorepo.
  • Projects that frequently rebuild or retest code, seeking to minimize the impact of these operations on development speed.
  • Organizations aiming to simplify their monorepo management with a tool specifically designed to handle JavaScript and TypeScript projects efficiently.

Usage Example of Turborepo:

Integrating Turborepo into your monorepo setup involves configuring it to manage your build tasks. An example turbo.json configuration might look like this:

"pipeline": {
"build": {
"dependsOn": ["^build"],
"outputs": [".next/**", "dist/**", "build/**"]
"test": {
"dependsOn": ["build"],
"outputs": []

This configuration defines a build task that other tasks depend on and specifies the outputs of the build process. It also sets up a test task that depends on the build task being completed. Turborepo will use this information to cache outputs and execute tasks incrementally and in parallel.

Learn More:

For more detailed information on how to implement Turborepo in your monorepo project and take advantage of its features for optimizing your development workflow, visit:

7. Rush

Rush is a robust monorepo manager that focuses on optimizing the development workflow for web applications within a monorepo setup. It stands out for its ability to efficiently manage large-scale projects that encompass complex interdependencies among packages. Designed with the needs of enterprise-level projects in mind, Rush streamlines package management, build, test, and publishing processes, making it easier for teams to maintain high levels of productivity and code quality across sizable codebases.

Key Features of Rush:

  • Comprehensive Package Management: Rush simplifies the complexities of handling multiple packages within a monorepo, offering seamless management of dependencies, versioning, and publishing.
  • Scalable Build System: It features a highly scalable build system that supports incremental builds, reducing build times by intelligently determining which parts of the project need to be rebuilt based on changes.
  • Integrated Testing Framework: Rush integrates with popular testing frameworks, allowing for automated testing across multiple packages, ensuring that changes do not introduce regressions.
  • Flexible Tool Integration: Rush is designed to work well with a variety of package managers (such as npm, pnpm, and Yarn) and build tools, giving teams the flexibility to choose the tools that best fit their project’s requirements.
  • Publishing Workflow: Offers a streamlined workflow for publishing packages, including change file management, version bumps, and changelog generation, facilitating a consistent release process.

Why and When to Choose Rush:

Rush is the ideal choice for development teams that manage complex web applications across multiple packages within a monorepo. Its comprehensive feature set and focus on scalability make it especially suitable for:

  • Enterprise projects seeking to improve build efficiency and manage dependencies more effectively across a large number of packages.
  • Teams looking for a monorepo solution that integrates well with existing tools and workflows, providing the flexibility to adapt to project-specific needs.
  • Projects that require a reliable way to automate testing and publishing processes, ensuring consistency and quality in releases.

Usage Example of Rush:

To start a new project with Rush, you would first initialize the Rush environment in your monorepo:

rush init

This command sets up the basic structure and configuration files needed to manage your monorepo with Rush. For managing dependencies and adding a new package, you might use:

rush add -p your-package-name

And to build all projects in the monorepo that have changed since the last successful build:

rush build

These examples illustrate the simplicity and power of Rush in managing monorepo workflows, from initialization to dependency management and building.

Learn More:

For developers interested in leveraging Rush for their monorepo management or seeking to enhance their development workflow, further information can be found at:

8. Pants Build

Pants Build is a sophisticated build system that caters specifically to the needs of developers working within monorepos, which are repositories containing multiple projects or packages. Recognized for its speed, scalability, and ease of use, Pants Build addresses the complexities associated with building and testing code written in multiple languages. By employing fine-grained dependency management and leveraging advanced build techniques such as parallel execution and incremental builds, Pants ensures that only the necessary parts of the codebase are rebuilt and tested, significantly reducing build times and enhancing developer productivity.

Key Features of Pants Build:

  • Multi-Language Support: Pants Build excels in environments that utilize multiple programming languages, offering first-class support for Python, Java, Go, and more. This makes it an ideal tool for teams working on diverse projects within a single monorepo.
  • Fine-Grained Dependency Management: With its intelligent dependency graph, Pants Build allows for precise control over which parts of the codebase are affected by changes, enabling incremental builds and tests. This level of granularity ensures that resources are used efficiently, speeding up the development cycle.
  • Parallel Execution: To further optimize build and test times, Pants Build executes tasks in parallel across the available CPU cores. This approach maximizes resource utilization and reduces the time developers spend waiting for builds and tests to complete.
  • Advanced Caching Mechanisms: Pants Build implements sophisticated caching strategies, both locally and remotely, to reuse previous build and test results. This reduces unnecessary work and accelerates the feedback loop for developers.
  • User-Friendly Design: Despite its powerful features, Pants Build is designed to be user-friendly, with sensible defaults and straightforward configuration. This lowers the barrier to entry for teams adopting it and minimizes maintenance overhead.

Why and When to Choose Pants Build:

Pants Build is particularly suited for teams managing large-scale monorepos containing code in multiple languages. Its efficiency and support for incremental and parallel builds make it a compelling choice for:

  • Projects looking to optimize their build and test processes to support rapid iteration and development.
  • Teams aiming to improve the reliability and speed of their CI/CD pipelines by leveraging advanced dependency management and caching.
  • Organizations seeking to streamline the development experience across diverse tech stacks within a unified repository.

Usage Example of Pants Build:

Defining a simple Python library target in Pants might look like this in a BUILD file:


This configuration snippet demonstrates how to define a Python library with Pants Build, specifying its source files and dependencies. Pants’ build configurations are straightforward, focusing on simplicity and ease of use.

Learn More:

For those interested in integrating Pants Build into their monorepo workflows or seeking to enhance their build and test processes with a fast, scalable system, additional information is available at:

9. Please

Please is a versatile build system that prioritizes high performance, reproducibility, and flexibility across a broad spectrum of programming languages. It stands out in the build tool landscape for its commitment to fine-grained dependency management, ensuring that projects, especially those structured as monorepos, are built efficiently and reliably. Designed with a focus on speed and correctness, Please facilitates a development process where builds are fast, accurate, and consistent across different environments.

Key Features of Please:

  • Cross-Language Support: One of Please’s core strengths is its ability to handle projects in various programming languages, including but not limited to Python, Go, Java, C++, and more. This wide-ranging support makes it a fit for diverse development teams and projects.
  • Hermetic Builds: Please employs a hermetic build process, which means that builds are isolated from the host environment. This isolation ensures that builds are reproducible, with the same inputs always producing the same outputs, regardless of where the build is run.
  • Fine-Grained Dependency Management: It allows for precise control over project dependencies, enabling developers to specify exactly what inputs each part of the build requires. This granularity helps in speeding up builds by avoiding unnecessary work and ensures build reliability.
  • Extensibility: Please is designed to be easily extended and customized, allowing developers to define custom build rules that fit their specific project needs. This flexibility is invaluable for teams with unique build requirements.
  • Built-in Test Runner: In addition to building projects, Please includes a test runner that can execute tests with fine-grained controls, further supporting the development workflow within monorepo environments.

Why and When to Choose Please:

Choose Please for your project if you require a build system that supports multiple languages within a monorepo architecture and places a premium on build speed and reproducibility. It’s particularly well-suited for teams that:

  • Manage large, multi-language projects and value fast feedback loops in their development process.
  • Require consistent and reliable builds across various environments, from local development machines to CI/CD pipelines.
  • Desire a build system that can be tailored to their specific workflow and project structure, thanks to its extensibility and support for custom build rules.

Usage Example of Please:

Creating a simple Python build target in Please might look like this in a BUILD file:

name = "myapp",
srcs = ["main.py"],
deps = [
visibility = ["PUBLIC"],

This snippet defines a Python executable named myapp with Please, specifying its source files and dependencies. Please's straightforward configuration allows for clear and concise definition of build targets.

Learn More:

For developers interested in leveraging Please for their projects, particularly those with complex requirements or monorepo structures, additional information and resources can be found at:

10. Buck

Buck is an innovative open-source build tool created by Facebook to address the challenges associated with building large and complex applications for platforms like Android, iOS, and the web. Its primary goal is to improve build speeds, making the development process more efficient, especially for projects utilizing a monorepo structure. By focusing on modularity and the reuse of code, Buck enables developers to maintain fine-grained control over their build processes, significantly reducing build times and enhancing productivity.

Key Features of Buck:

  • Fine-Grained Dependency Management: Buck provides developers with precise control over build dependencies, ensuring that only the necessary components are rebuilt during each build process. This level of control is crucial for incremental builds, leading to substantial time savings.
  • Parallelized Task Execution: To further optimize build times, Buck executes tasks in parallel, taking full advantage of available CPU resources. This approach reduces the overall time required for builds, especially in large-scale projects with numerous modules.
  • Modular Codebase Support: Buck encourages the development of small, reusable modules. This modular approach not only facilitates better code organization and reuse but also aligns perfectly with monorepo management strategies, where multiple projects coexist within a single repository.
  • Rebuild Minimization: By intelligently determining which parts of the codebase have changed and only rebuilding those components, Buck minimizes unnecessary work. This ensures that builds are both fast and efficient, even as projects grow in size and complexity.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Designed with cross-platform development in mind, Buck supports building applications for a variety of platforms, including Android, iOS, and the web. This makes it a versatile tool for teams working on multi-platform projects.

Why and When to Choose Buck:

Buck is particularly well-suited for developers and teams working on large-scale, multi-platform projects that benefit from a modular architecture. It is an ideal choice for:

  • Projects adopting a monorepo approach, requiring efficient management of dependencies and builds across multiple sub-projects within a single repository.
  • Android and iOS developers seeking to optimize build times and improve development workflows, especially in complex or large applications.
  • Web developers looking for a build tool capable of handling sophisticated build requirements while minimizing build times.

Usage Example of Buck:

To define a simple Java library in Buck, you might use a BUCK file like this:

name = 'mylibrary',
srcs = glob(['src/**/*.java']),
deps = [

This example demonstrates defining a Java library named mylibrary with Buck, specifying source files and dependencies. Buck's configuration files use a Python-like syntax, making them both powerful and readable.

Learn More:

For those interested in exploring Buck further and integrating it into their development processes, the following resource provides comprehensive information:

11. Gradle

Gradle is an open-source build automation tool that is designed to be flexible enough to build almost any type of software. It combines the best features of Ant and Maven, avoiding the XML verbosity of the former and the rigidity of the latter. Gradle uses a domain-specific language (DSL) based on Groovy or Kotlin, rather than XML, for declaring project configurations. It is particularly favored in the Java, Android, and C/C++ communities but supports many other programming languages and platforms.

Key Features of Gradle:

  • Incremental Builds: Gradle saves time by reusing computation and data from previous builds. It determines which parts of the build are up-to-date and only runs tasks that have changed inputs since the last build.
  • Build Cache: Further improves build times by reusing outputs produced by other builds. This is effective in both local builds and across CI/CD servers.
  • Deep API: Allows customization and extension of the build logic. Gradle provides powerful dependency management and allows for custom plugins to be developed and published.
  • First-class Android Support: Gradle is the official build tool for Android Studio, offering specialized Android plugins that facilitate the development and packaging of Android apps.
  • Rich Plugin Ecosystem: A vast collection of plugins is available, extending Gradle’s capabilities to many languages and platforms beyond Java.

Why and When to Choose Gradle:

Choose Gradle for your project if you need a powerful, flexible build system that supports multi-language development. It’s particularly well-suited for Java and Android projects due to its deep integration and support for these environments. Gradle is a good choice when you need to customize or extend your build process, thanks to its extensible model and deep API. For projects that benefit from incremental builds and caching — especially large projects where build time is a concern — Gradle can offer significant improvements in efficiency.

Usage Example of Gradle:

A simple build.gradle file to compile a Java project might look like this:

plugins {
id 'java'

repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'com.google.guava:guava:30.1-jre'

This example specifies that the project is a Java project, uses Maven Central as the repository for dependencies, and includes Google Guava as a dependency.

To build the project, you would run:

gradle build

Learn More:

For more information on Gradle, including detailed documentation, guides, and API references, visit the official Gradle website at https://gradle.org/. The site offers a comprehensive learning path for new users, as well as advanced topics for experienced Gradle developers.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it and found it useful :) 🍺



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