18 most popular JavaScript open source repositories on GitHub — May 2018

Iren Korkishko
Published in
3 min readMay 30, 2018


Originally I shared this JS digest to Syndicode blog.

This is the scope of the latest weekly most popular JS repositories. The marvelous dandelion flower is the real symbol of the start of the summer. In my new JS digest, you’ll find game of programming and AI, bot creation tool, console logger, a tool that automates visual regression, JS implementation of git and many more of neat open source projects… Explore and enjoy!

Here we are with the most interesting

Weekly most popular JavaScript repositories:

  1. Ghost is the open source for the platform for professional publishers. 25,822 stars by now.
  2. Day.js is a minimalist JavaScript library that parses, validates, manipulates, and displays dates and times for modern browsers with a largely Moment.js-compatible API. 11,068 stars by now.
  3. WarriorJS is a game of programming and Artificial Intelligence. Write JavaScript to teach your warrior what to do depending on the situation. Select abilities to customize how your warrior plays. 7,464stars by now.
  4. Botpress is an open-source bot creation tool written in Javascript. It is powered by a rich set of open-source modules built by the community. 5,017 stars by now.
  5. signale is hackable and configurable console logger. It can be used for logging purposes, status reporting, as well as for handling the output rendering process of other node modules and applications. 4,837 stars by now.
  6. Wired Elements is a series of basic UI Elements that have a hand-drawn look. These can be used for wireframes, mockups, or just the fun hand-drawn look. 3,976 stars by now.
  7. Spectrum is a simple, powerful online communities. This is the main monorepo codebase of Spectrum. It aims to be the best platform to build any kind of community online by combining the best of web 2.0 forums and real-time chat apps. 3,750 stars by now.
  8. BackstopJS automates visual regression testing of your responsive web UI by comparing DOM screenshots over time. 3,098 stars by now.
  9. isomorphic-git is pure JavaScript implementation of git for node and browsers. 2,923 stars by now.
  10. React Native DOM is an experimental, comprehensive port of React Native to the web. Following the exact same architecture as React Native on mobile, all of your react components/app logic are run in web worker, leaving the main thread to entirely focus on rendering. 2,233 stars by now.
  11. dinero.js is a library for working with monetary values in JavaScript. It provides builds for different environments. It also comes with polyfilled versions for older browsers. 1,463 stars by now.
  12. layerJS is an open source Javascript UI/UX library allowing intuitive, visually intense, mobile app-like experiences for web apps and websites. 1,340 stars by now. p.s. recently I made a short review for layerJS.
  13. Size Limit is a tool to prevent JavaScript libraries bloat. With it, you know exactly for how many kilobytes your JS library increases the user bundle. 1,319 stars by now.
  14. NGXS is a state management pattern + library for Angular. It acts as a single source of truth for your application’s state, providing simple rules for predictable state mutations. 943 stars by now.
  15. Docker Compose UI is a web interface for Docker Compose. The aim of this project is to provide a minimal HTTP API on top of Docker Compose while maintaining full interoperability with Docker Compose CLI. 878 stars by now.
  16. Another great repository I already wrote about. This is css-doodle — a web component for drawing patterns with CSS. 807 stars by now.
  17. chrome-utm-stripper is a browser extension that strips Google Analytics (UTM) tokens from URL query strings. 386 stars by now.
  18. lynt is a zero config JavaScript linter with support for React, Flow, and Typescript. Lynt is completely unopinionated when it comes to code style. It doesn’t care whether or not you use semicolons, tabs or spaces, trailing commas, etc. 288 stars by now.

Check some previous JS digests here.

