Beginner’s Guide to GraphQL with Spring Boot

Swathi Prasad
Published in
5 min readAug 21, 2019


GraphQL is a query language for APIs that allows clients to request limited data they need, making it possible for clients to gather data in a limited number of requests. GraphQL is strongly typed protocol and all data operations are validated against a GraphQL schema.

In this article, we will build a simple GraphQL server with Spring Boot.

Adding Maven Dependencies

Create a sample Spring Boot application and add the following dependencies.

  1. graphql-spring-boot-starter is used for enabling GraphQL servlet and it becomes available at a path /graphql. It initializes GraphQLSchema bean.
  2. graphql-java allows to write schema with GraphQL schema language which is simple to understand.
  3. graphiql-spring-boot-starter provides user interface using which we could test our GraphQL queries and view query definition.



Software architect and developer living in Germany. Sharing my opinion and what I learn.