Effectively communicate between Microservices

Abhinav Dhasmana
Published in
4 min readAug 1, 2018


Choose between http/1.1 and gRPC. TL; DR: Use gRPC

Communicate effectively

How microservices communicate with each other can affect performance and scalability of the application. Communication between services can be synchronous or asynchronous. For this blog post, we will focus on synchronous. We have 2 common protocols at our disposal

  • HTTP/1.1: The “default” http call
  • gRPC: High performance remote procedure call (RPC framework). gRPC.io has a comprehensive documentation and how it works.

Let’s look at some sample code and run some performance test to pick our choices.

Non-cluster mode

Let’s start small and try to get one microservice talk to another one.

Simple application architecture diagram

Our application has following components

  • Load Testing tool: jMeter
  • Service A: Makes a request to serviceB and returns that response.
  • Service B: Replies with a static JSON after 10ms of delay for all the APIs
  • VMs: Both the VMs are Amazon EC2 t2.xlarge machines


This is the default request we make when we use any of the HTTP client libraries like axios, superagent.

Let’s create ServiceB to implement our APIs.

service B with HTTP/1.1 implementation

Next, we create ServiceA which calls ServiceB with HTTP/1.1

service A with HTTP/1.1 implementation

With these two services running, we can now fire-up our jMeter to run some performance test. We will use 50 users will 2000 request each. As we can see in the screenshot below, our median is 37ms .

performance result of HTTP/1.1 in non-cluster mode


gRPC uses protocol buffers by default. In addition to serviceA and serviceB, we also need a proto file which will define our remote calls.

proto file for the exposed RPC

Let’s implement serviceB again, this time using gRPC

service B with gRPC implementation

Few things to note:

  • We create grpc server at line 4
  • We add a service to our server at line 16
  • We bind port and credentials at line 23

serviceA implementation using gRPC is below

service A with gRPC implementation

Few things to note:

  • We create grpc client at line 4
  • We make a remote call at line 6

Let’s run our jMeter tool test again.

performance result of gRPC in non-cluster mode

As we can see from this data, gRPC is 27% faster than the normal HTTP/1.1 request

Application architecture in cluster mode

Application architecture

If you are running anything in production, it is most likely you are running many instances of any given service. In this case, we are making the following changes:

  • Running three instances of our service on different ports
  • We are using NGINX as a load balancer


No changes are required on the services side. All we need to do it configure our nginx to load balance the traffic with serviceB . We can modify the /etc/nginx/sites-available/default to look like this

nginx with HTTP/1.1

We can now start our 3 instances of serviceB and run our performance test

performance result of HTTP/1.1 in cluster mode


Support for gRPC was recently added to nginx version 1..13.10 . So, we need to get the latest one as the default sudo apt-get install nginx will not work.

We are not using node in cluster mode as gRPC is not supported.

Follow the steps below to get the latest nginx

get the latest nginx

We would also need the ssl certificates. We can create self-signed certificate using openSSL

command to create self-signed certificate

Next, we need to change our /etc/nginx/sites-available/default file to start using gRPC.

nginx with gRPC

That’s it. Let’s run our performance test again

performance result of gRPC in non-cluster mode

As we can see gRPC are 31% faster in comparison to the HTTP/1.1


gRPC is fast. In the tests above, we have 31% gain over HTTP/1.1 by just changing on how we talk to each other.

The full source code can be found on GitHub



Senior Staff Engineer @freshworks. Ex-McKinsey/Microsoft/Slideshare/SAP, Tech Enthusiast, Passionate about India. Opinions are mine