Express server for an Angular application part 5: redirect non-www to www requests

Marco Zuccaroli
Published in
2 min readMay 21, 2019


Express.js is a web application framework for Node.js designed for building web applications, in this series of articles I will explain step by step how i realized an express server with some advanced functions that i use for my single page application made with Angular 7.

I will discuss the 7 main problem that i solved in different articles:

  1. getting started
  2. serve files from a bucket
  3. redirect some calls to an external service
  4. redirect http to https requests
  5. redirect non-www to www requests
  6. limit connections and prevent DDoS
  7. handle some cache

In this fourth article I will discuss how to redirect http to https requests.

Reference repository

A working example of this project is available at: the master branch contain the final full project but there’s a dedicated branch for every single article, for this one the reference is:

About environments

Url handling and manipulation could be tricky during local development, like in the previous part of this tutorial “how to redirect http request to https” it’s a good idea use an “_environment” variable to separate local development behaviors from production ones. For more info see this article

Redirect redirect non-www to www requests

For SEO purposes is optimal serve your application pages from a unique URL, a good improvement for your application server is an automatic redirect for non-www requests. The same method could be used to redirect www request to non-www It’s your choice.

Let’s add this code fragment to our application right before the “app.all” declarations:

As you can see the code is very clear: express intercept the requests that not contain “www” and redirect them to the right url.

Like other steps of this tutorial you can run the server with

$node server.js

go to http://localhost:4100 and see the results.

The next step of our path to create a good express server is improve his security by putting some limits to connections and prevent DDOS attacks, that will be discussed in the next article.

