Golang Pipeline in Practise

Zhimin Wen
Published in
4 min readJun 30, 2021


I have a request to perform some Google API search for some keywords and save the result (the URLs) into text files. It's a good chance to use Go’s concurrency pattern to assembly the pipeline, therefore, parallelizing the IO and CPU.

Google Search API

Given a keyword, say a category, the following function calls Google search API using go-resty, then picks up the respective Links from the result using the gjson library.

func SearchGoogle(category string, count int) ([]SearchResult, error) {
results := []SearchResult{}
// ... skip some initial assignment
for i := 0; i < pages; i++ {
resp, err := client.R().
"cx": cx,
"key": key,
"q": category,
"start": fmt.Sprintf("%d", i*10+1)
SetHeader("Accept", "application/json").
//... skip the error handling part content := resp.Body()
if resp.StatusCode() != 200 {
logrus.Errorf("staus code is non 200, code:%v", resp.StatusCode())
return results, err
gjson.GetBytes(content, "items").ForEach(func(_, elm gjson.Result) bool {
counter += 1
title := elm.Get("title").String()
link := elm.Get("link").String()
snippet := elm.Get("snippet").String()

results = append(results, SearchResult{
Category: category,
Title: title,
Link: link,
Snippet: snippet,
return true //keep looping
return results, nil

We read the keyword to search into a slice of string. Let set up the golang pipeline with channels.

Data Feeding

To start the pipeline, take in a slice of string and output a channel of string.

func Feed(list []string) chan string {
out := make(chan string)
go func() {
for _, v := range list {
out <- v
return out

First, create the “out” chan. Then create a goroutine to loop through the keyword list, send it to the out channel. Once the looping is done, close the out channel to inform the receiver end, it’s closed.

Notice the sending to the channel is blocking unless the pipeline is connected and moving. That’s why we…

