How-To stream social media notifications to your Slack with Azure Cloud Logic Apps

Published in
5 min readApr 4, 2020


We live in turbulent times. We need information, the right information.

Information is Important.
Then Context is important.
And Timing is important.

You see, I run a small Slack group, intended to be for Financially Savvy Investor “want-to-be” (all one word)

And therein our group, we discuss news, opportunities, and strategies. It’s a hobby — But not financial advice :D

The challenge is to ensure that we, as a group are up-to-date with the relevant social and economic developments, — something we discuss at length in more relevant channels. We have #Crypto #Stocks #Buy-To-Lets #Economy channels to name a few.

There are a number of Slack integrations available(paid), but my purpose was to get more bespoke Twitter updates into the relevant #updates or #news channel on slack, without much coding, faff, and on a shoestring budget. As it make it smart, pay only for the resource it needs to run on.
So I did. It works out to cost about $0.40/month for all my streaming needs. But let's talk details.

This is how I have gone about creating my customer twitter-to-slack feed, and this is where Azure Cloud comes…



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A technology leader with over 15 years of experience. A big fan of efficient Lean-Mean tech stack. Interested in Macroeconomy, seed investing and growth mindset