Infinite Scroll with TypeScript

How to implement infinite scrolling in HTML & TypeScript

Kenneth Reilly


Screen recording of the example project in action


In this article, we will examine the process of implementing an infinitely scrolling list using HTML and TypeScript. Infinite scrolling is useful for content-driven websites and apps and is generally more appealing than classic pagination methods.

For the source code for the example project, see this repo.

To compile TypeScript, see this page or install it with node as follows:

$ npm install -g typescript


The HTML for this project contains some standard tags in the <head> and defines a <header> with project title along with a <main> element which will be used to hold the infinite scrolling content. The compiled .js file is included at the end of the body section.


The CSS defines header and item height as variables, along with styles for the body and content within. The main element takes the full screen height minus the header height. Items in the list will be of class main div and contain some formatting based on the --item-height variable.


The App class has no constructor as it is meant to be static and contains only static methods and properties. The random_items get accessor will return ten numbers between 0 and 10 which will be used to populate the list.

When init is called, a reference to the scrollable container is retrieved, an event handler is attached for the onscroll event, and load is called, which grabs the next 10 items and calls append_item for each.

The append_item method creates a div for the item along with a label for the index of the item and a span which will contain the random number. The item contents are set and it is then added to the list.

The scroll handler on_scroll retrieves the height of an item on screen, and then calculates the scroll distance remaining based on the container scrollHeight minus the scrollTop and clientHeight values. If the distance remaining is less than two items, load is called to add more to the list.


That’s all there is to creating a simple infinite scrolling list using HTML, CSS, and TypeScript. This can easily be modified to retrieve actual items with an API call or some other method, using the length of the list as an offset.

Thanks for reading and good luck with your next project!


