My notes on Kubernetes and GitOps from KubeCon & ServiceMeshCon sessions 2020 (CNCF)

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6 min readNov 25, 2020


I am really glad I have booked off all 3 days (UK time meant 4–5 pm start) of Cloud-native KubeCon.

I have several years of experience working with Kubernetes and I am CKA and CKAD certified. Having delved into the abyss of true native GitOps CI/CD, and recently with The Service Mesh, I thought I was ready for this.

I believed, with my experience, I was reasonably well versed with the technologies, the vendors, and the Open Source community offering by now. Oh, how wrong I was.

This was so Q1 2020.

It should not be a surprise, looking at the (CNCF) Cloud Native Landscape — it is vast and growing yet.

Fortunately in my area of specialty — Microservices infrastructure orchestration (usually on GCP, keeping up with the fast-paced development on this space with podcasts and blog-reads did help, but I’m largely highlighting the need to set aside days to go through and digest this CNCF KubeCon & ServiceMeshCon content. Without distractions.

Here I am. Days later, still dealing with cognitive overload, taking time to process, and organize the areas of interest NOW and some areas of interest for LATER.
In doing so, I hope this now paves the way to a well-documented blog post, which you can follow-up on later as well.
Here is my calendar view for the duration of the event to give you an idea of the intensity. It is full-on, — you better take notes. You will miss sessions and will be playing catchup all the other spare time you may or may not have.
If that’s your job — that’s what you’ll do.

It does not capture ALL the sessions available, and I have very likely skipped some outside my immediate interest. Maybe something to revisit later, after a holiday or two.

My Interest in this CNCF 2020 Conference was to learn about new developments and best practices for ServiceMesh and the rollout. I have covered this topic recently in my blog post — worthy read if you too are considering “getting some of that” service mesh.



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A technology leader with over 15 years of experience. A big fan of efficient Lean-Mean tech stack. Interested in Macroeconomy, seed investing and growth mindset