One-Click Login to WordPress & Firebase Or Via Email Link

Dale Nguyen
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2020


If you are interested in the Integrate Firebase PRO version, read the full updated documentation:


The password is becoming obsolete. Remembering username and password in order to login to a website may be easy, how about 10 websites?

So, how about one-click to login & sign up to WordPress & Firebase?

One-tap Sign-up

This is a feature from Google. Sign up new users with just one tap, without interrupting them with a sign-up screen. Users get a secure, token-based, passwordless account on your site, protected by their Google Account.

Get Google Client ID
Apply Google Client ID

After that, when a customer visits your website, there is a pop up allowing them to sign up with one click.

One-tap Sign-up

Sigin In Via Email Link

Allow email link in Firebase

Allow sign in via email link

Sigin In Via Email Link

