Puppeteer or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Automation

Ali Bahraminezhad
Published in
6 min readMar 27, 2020


A step by step guide for beginners to get started with Puppeteer

The whole point of the puppeteer is lost if you keep doing things manually!

What’s Puppeteer?

Puppeteer is a Node library that provides a high-level API to control Chrome or Chromium over the DevTools Protocol. Puppeteer runs headless by default but can be configured to run full (non-headless) Chrome or Chromium.

With Puppeteer, automate routine jobs that you occasionally do in the web browsers. In Puppeteer, you can control everything in the browser, from simple navigation to use Lighthouse for auditing your website.

Before starting everything, take a look at the following example of a Puppeteer script:

Import flash-cards with audios in Memrise with Puppeteer

I‘m doing a Dutch course that has lots of words and dialogues. Creating a flash-card and manually importing the bulk of words alongside voices isn’t an easy job to do. Now again, look at how fast the automation script does the job more quickly than a human with zero chance of failures.

Writing a Puppeteer script it’s easy, all you need is knowing some basic rules.

Rule #1

All methods in Puppeteer are async, don’t forget to await them.

Rule #2

In the script, in most cases, you should ask the Puppeteer to wait for something such as a request, response, an element, or for a moment.

Rule #3

Write the script rationally. Imagine you want to make a script to google something. How do you do it?

  1. You open a new tab
  2. You navigate to Google.com
  3. You focus on the search box
  4. You type something
  5. You click on the search button

Puppeteer has multiple API for the page, keyboard, mouse. The steps above are easy to emulate in Puppeteer.

Rule #4

You cannot click on an element that is not visible! Imagine a menu with some items. First, you need to open the list; then, you can click on the sub-items.

Rule #5

Some webpages have their code or events (like jQuery events). You need to eval some JS to make them work.

Rule #6

If you are not familiar with CSS selectors, please go and learn them a bit.

Rule #7

When you navigate to a page like https://example.com/users/, don’t forget the tailing /.

We talked about the beginners’ rules, now let’s do something for real.

Warming up

In the terminal, execute the following commands:

mkdir hello_puppeteer
cd hello_puppeteer
yarn init
yarn add puppeteer

The last command takes a while; it installs Puppeteer alongside all dependencies (like Chromium).

Create a new js file and name it to google.js , then fill it with the following code:

const puppeteer = require("puppeteer");(async () => {
// lanuch the browser
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: false,
// devtools: false,
// args: ["--start-maximized"]
// create a new tab
const page = await browser.newPage();
  • The puppeteer.laucnh launches a new instance of the Chromium browser. If you look at the code, you see that I wrote headless: false . I’d like to see what’s happing under the hood.
  • The browser.newPage creates a new tab inside the browser.
  • I wrapped the whole code inside an async function because all Puppeteer methods are async.

You can run the script by node google.js inside the terminal and you should see this:

Result of the script

Now we want to navigate to Google.com. To do this, add the following code next to the const page = ... line.

// navigates to google.comawait page.goto('https://google.com');

Now we want to search for something on Google.com. First, Inspect the search input with Web Developer Tools (right-click on search input and click on inspect element).

Inspect element in Web Developer Tools

You need to find a static CSS selector for the element to work with them in Puppeteer. This input element has several attributes, but I choose two:

  • class: Unfortunately, it’s dynamic, and we can not rely on that
  • name: The value of the name attribute is unique on the whole page. It’s the right candidate!

Try your CSS selector inside the web developer tools — console tab. with document.querySelector or document.querySelectorAll you can test them.

My CSS selector is input[name=q] and it works well. Now it’s time to type something.

await page.focus('input[name=q]');/* or you can: first find the element, then focus it

const searchInput = await page.$('input[name=q]');
await searchInput.focus();

💡 In page API, $ is equal to documnet.querySelector and $$ is equal to document.querySelectorAll .

To make Puppeeter type inside an input, we need to focus on it. There are two APIs to do it. They both have the same result, but it depends on the situation what API you use.

Typing inside the webpage is easy with keyboard API.

await page.keyboard.type('Puppeteer');
Type in action

Now, how to get the search results?

People usually press Enter or click on the Google Search button. To emulate them you can do:

// press the keyboard Enter button
await page.keyboard.press("Enter");
// or you can first, focus on search button, then click it
// const searchButton = await page.$('input[name=btnK]');
// await searchButton.click();

We learned the basics, but there are more things you need to know.

Ask Puppeteer to wait for something

Consider these scenarios:

  • An Ajax request after clicking on a button

Example of uploading a file for file-input:

const fileInput= await page.$('input[type=file]');
const uploadButton = await page.$('#upload-btn');
await fileInput.uploadFile("d:/image.jpg");
await uploadButton.click();
// now wait for upload response
await page.waitForResponse('https://example.com/services/upload/');
// find dynamic generated link after ajax upload
const fileUrlElement = await page.$('a.file-url');
  • Waiting for a couple of seconds
await page.waitFor(1000); // in mili seconds
  • Waiting for page navigation
await page.waitForNavigation();
  • Waiting for specific CSS selector to be rendered
await page.waitForSelector('css selector');

Evaluate scripts in the browser

I faced a scenario that after uploading the file with uploadFile method, the page wouldn’t execute the Ajax upload process. For this scenario, I need to raise a jQuery code to make the job done.

const input = await page.$('input[type=file]');
await input.uploadFile(fileToUpload);
await page.evaluate(
element => $(element).trigger("custom_event"),

In this example, the $(element).trigger("...") is the JS code, that will execute inside the browser (not inside Puppeteer script).

What else can you do?

In the first example, I used headless: false to see what happens under the hood. Usually, it’s better to use it in the headless mode, because it runs the script and the browser in the background, and it won’t interrupt you with any open windows.

But how can you see the results if you run it with headless mode? How about taking a screenshot!

await page.screenshot({path: 'my-result.png', fullPage: true})

In the beginning, I demonstrated a gif of running an “import script” I made recently. Please find the code here at https://github.com/0x414c49/memrise-upload

More demos

If you are willing to learn more about the capabilities of Puppeteer, I recommend seeing the puppeteer-demo repository of my colleague Önder Ceylan. Even his cool pwa-asset-generator is also created with Puppeteer.



I’m a geek, a software engineer who likes to build amazing stuff 😉Here on Medium I write about different things but mostly focused on programming and .NET!