🔥 What to Expect from Angular 14 in 2022: Is Micro Frontend Coming? 🤫

Vitalii Shevchuk
Published in
5 min readNov 21, 2021


Angular 13 has been recently released but the changes were more evolutionary, can we expect more revolutionary updates from Angular 14?


After the release of Angular 13 that was not enough hype around it, even though it really deserves more attention. Such updates like TypeScript 4.4 and RxJs 7.4 support sound nice, but the main cherry on the cake was build caching, which improved build time up to 68%. But when to expect a really Big Thing, the update, that would be able to shake the frontend community again since introducing Ivy.

Let’s find out together!

3 BIG THINGs are coming in Angular 14

The Angular team periodically shares its roadmap of upcoming releases. They collect them from community feedbacks and combine with the internal features roadmap. Let's take a look together at the most exciting from them.

Better typing @angular/forms. These changes will affect on reactive forms types model and will make type checking much more striker than before. The team is aiming at implementing the type system that will be compatible with other angular versions, and will not cause regression. Such a feature will allow developers to find the issues during development time and significantly improve type checking.

Independent Components from Module. Let’s try to answer the question, which is the only frontend framework that components are not “units of reuse”? And, of course, you know the answer — only Angular framework is all built around the Modules. In Angular, Modules actually act as “units of reuse”, for example, angular libraries are publishing NgModules or NgModule is the main unit of lazy-loading. Such a concept doesn't allow to use of directives, pipes, and what is even more important — components individually, outside the scope of the module.

The fact that Modules are the core building blocks in Angular, set a list of limitations on developing experience:

  • Components must be always dependent on Modules and be part of the Module, it can not be standalone;
  • Complex API around loading and rendering components. For example, using bootstrapModule() vs bootstrapComponent()
  • Angular tooling is tightly dependent on Modules during optimizing the build performance.

The main efforts will be made to change the architecture that will put components, directives, and pipes in the central of framework. In simple words, you will be able to import components, directives, and pipes and use them directly.

And the last — is what the Angular community created a story about and has been waiting for a long time — Micro Frontend Support.

Will Micro Frontend be supported in the next release?

They are a lot of discussions around Micro Frontend and to find out why it is cool and why Angular is a perfect framework for it, check out another article first:

Webpack has already approached the future after introducing Module Federation. It let you to have multiple separated builds in a single application. The team from NX also integrated it into their command line which made it easier to bootstrap micro frontend applications. The last important thing is that all these tools are perfectly combined with angular architecture. If you are curious about how to build it yourself, check out this article.

You may say, that this is all cool, but what we can expect from the Angular team in the next release? Currently, they are working on investigating the best abstraction to have better support of micro frontend. It is understandable, as such support will require huge legacy changes in the core of the angular framework. This investigation includes looking closely into independent deployment, as well as the development of large-scale micro frontend applications and finding ways to integrate them with angular architecture. We may only guess that they work with the Webpack team and NX team to make the integration process more productive.


There is a very little information if the Micro Frontend will be supported in Angular 14, or any other upcoming releases. And this will be definitely the next BIG THING in Angular and for the whole frontend community in general. It is also obvious that such a big step can not be done in a short time. On the other hand, the Angular team is always paying attention and reacts to the community's needs and feedbacks. And arousing the discussion around it will make the Angular team prioritize it higher. If you would like to participate and can not wait for Micro Frontend support in Angular, clap 👏 the article, comment or repost to attract more attention to this topic. Stay tuned and follow me on medium and twitter to get updated on latest news about Micro Frontend and web technologies.



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